Release verification guide for ServiceComb
As apache project, when ServiceComb release new version, need make a vote and invite users and developers to verify its availability, this guide will introduce how to do this work.
Verify Java Chassis
- Make sure your network is available;
- Please check these components had installed:
Hint: If the OS of environment is Windows, need install Docker Machine
Verify the Hash and the Signature
Please find the URL of Release Candidate in Vote mail, for example:
Release Candidate :
Open this URL in browser, download the source code end with
, signature file end with
and hash file end with
, please keep these three files in same folder.
Please find URL of Key in Vote mail, for example:
Keys to verify the Release Candidate :
Open this URL in browser, copy contents into KEYS file, then import:
gpg --import KEYS
Then Mohammad Asif Siddiqui (ServiceComb Code Signing Key) <>
will output if imported successfully.
Verify the Signature:
gpg --verify
Then Good signature from "Mohammad Asif Siddiqui (ServiceComb Code Signing Key) <>"
will output if verified successfully.
Verify the Hash:
sha512sum -c
Then OK
will output if verified successfully.
Verify the source code
Unzip the source code:
Run test case under source code root:
mvn clean install -Pdocker -Pit
Hint: If the OS of environment is Windows:
mvn clean install -Pdocker -Pit -Pdocker-machine
Wait all test case check passed, may use 10~30 minutes.
Verify the Staging Repository
First need delete all ServiceComb cache in local maven repo:
rm -rf /root/.m2/repository/org/apache/servicecomb/
Hint: If not the root, please change the path of .m2
Please find URL of Staging Repository in Vote mail, for example:
Staging Repository :
Then add this Staging Repository address into settings.xml
of maven:
<releases />
<url>{Staging Repository URL in Vote mail}</url>
<releases />
<url>{Staging Repository URL in Vote mail}</url>
After that, enter demo folder under the source code(not root folder of source code) and run:
mvn clean install -Pdocker -Pstaging
Hint: If the OS of environment is Windows:
mvn clean install -Pdocker -Pstaging -Pdocker-machine
When test cases are running, we can see the Java Chassis dependencies will download from Apache Staging Repository that had configured:
Wait all test case check passed, may use 5~15 minutes.
Verify integration with Spring Cloud
Please clone the latest source code of Company demo project from , then checkout branch of 1.x :
git clone
git checkout 1.x
Modify the configuration of <java-chassis.version>
in pom.xml
under source code root folder to current releasing version, such as 1.0.0-m2 :
Run test case under source code root:
mvn clean verify -Pdocker -Pstaging
Hint: If the OS of environment is Windows:
mvn clean verify -Pdocker -Pstaging -Pdocker-machine
Wait all test case check passed, may use 5~10 minutes.
Verify Samples(Optional)
In samples folder of source code, there are many java chassis sample, we can choose some of them do verification such as BMI; you can read in each sample in order to known how to run.