Mersher Load Balance
- Mersher supports flexible load balancing algorithms. This guide will show you how to use the load balancing capabilities provided by mersher.
- Walk through mersher-quick-start and have mersher display programs running.
You can start a new mersher_calculator and httpserver_calculator instance for load balancing testing by using the program in example directory test_balance
1 Change the service name in file microservice.yaml to calculator. Change the listening address and port in file chassis.yaml to avoid conflicts.
listenAddress: -----》 listenAddress: listenAddress: -----》 listenAddress: listenAddress: -----》 listenAddress:
2 Start running mersher_calculator by cmd:
export SPECIFIC_ADDR= ./mersher
3 The Roundbin load balancing algorithm is used by default and the Random, SessionStickiness load balancing algorithms are also supported. We configure the load balancing method Random by modifing configuration file chassis.yaml of mersher_webapp.
loadbalance: strategy: name: Random
4 Run a new services instance of httpserver_calculator which is listenning on port 4537.
Multiple clicks the Submit button and we can see that the BMI Instance ID in the following two interfaces appear randomly.
What’s next
See quick start for Flow Control
Learn more about Load Balance